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Why, hello there!


So I thought that it might be a good idea to finally start blogging. I guess that I will keep the atmosphere rather loose in here, however I might shoot a serious post up from time to time.

Right now I am working on Statula and TTT. It is pretty funny when you go back in time and see yourself starting such a toy project - I’ve never really considered TicTacToe as something that might be used by someone else.

I guess it’s just programming for the sake of programming right now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not set on this project being a failure or anything along those lines - I actually consider it a success due to the amount of knowledge I’ve got thanks to it. If you look at it from proper perspective, even such a simple concept as TicTacToe can be quite challenging if you have the will to see those challenges - at the very start creation of AI seemed nigh on impossible. Take a glance at it today - not only is it working, it’s also unbeatable (and that’s a success since non-minmax implementation was wanky to say the least).

Also, there is no such a thing as a failure in programming. There is only a lesson.

Now, another milestone would be either creating a server for it or an user interface. Both options seem rather overwhelming at first, however I already have some concrete basis for server - that is, I thought out whole structure of networking. When I finally sit down to sockets in C, I will probably get it going.

UI is a bit tricky for me. I’ve successfully recreated kilo (check the tutorial out, it’s really good) so I have that going for me. I will probably use ncurses though - it just seems way more convenient.

I’m not the user interface guy. I’m definitely not. And that’s why my second project, Statula, doesn’t feature one - and never will. It’s not that I run away from problems. I have one thing in mind with this program - performance. I couldn’t care less for UI in a program that has one job, and it’s supposed to do it well.

I guess that’s it. My first blog post. Boy, was that quick. Maybe I will type something up in a day or two.

Have a nice day boys and girls!