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Why, hello there Pychelor!

Yup. It’s happening.


It’s time to finally commit to one idea for my bachelors - which I have to hand in one year from now. I’m not forced to start now and I’m quite sure I won’t begin - just yet.

Pychelor is a new shiny thing of mine. Remember this dropbox connector? Scrap it. Who cares. This is Python. This is MACHINE LEARNING. This is new.

This project is all about doing things right the first time or not doing them at all - so I’m trying to do stuff that’s borderline impossible! =) Okay, enough chit-chat. Pychelors will be a daemon for *nix environment (hey, Windows support is right around the corner!) that will analyse the performance of arbitrarily chosen pipeline, pointing out potential bottlenecks and allowing the user to make adjustments as they see fit. As always, performance counts. =) I will cover this project’s design in the series of blog posts, which I’ll then turn into my bachelors. Yes folks, that’s what’s in the name!

See you around, Peter