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Language barriers

Straight to the point - due to my neglectance I have fucked over two of my personal projects at the same time. Namely, back in 2017 I have set up some ,,issues’’ for Hacktoberfest contributors. Vast majority of contributions was related to translating strings into different languages.

Guess what, TicTacToe-C has received only these kinds of PRs. Statula was a bit better, but a year ago I was less competent than I am now (that is not to say that I’m by any means capable of maintaing OS project, don’t get me wrong).

Surprise, surprise - I have already received six pull requests with translations. It is shitty situation, because:

  • I cannot validate these PRs due to obvious language barriers.
  • These kinds of tasks seem to have low engagement point - nowadays I feel like “newbie-friendly” task should still require her/him to sweat a bit. Even if he/she is not capable, it’s fine - we should be able to guide him/her through. Translating ten strings is relatively straight-forward and brings little to the table.
  • Those who actually spent some of their precious time will feel rejected. And it’s really shitty.

    I have nothing to say but “sorry”. Overall, all translations will be rejected. Better yet, I will need to think about some kind of resource system to maintain this type of content in my projects. It is also redundant to try to gather OS community around your projects without giving them engaging tasks and actually caring for the project. If I don’t visit my github nowadays, no one else will.

    I’m sorry.

    Best regards, Peter