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At the crossroads - approaching Statula 0.2.0

Hey, A small update - we are quickly approaching v0.2.0. I plan to roll out few minor updates (v0.1.9 will include few additional starting parameters).
What is here to come in 0.2.0? io.c will definitely change - I plan to make read_data more abstract in order to support different notations.
Let’s take a look at a simple dataset:

2 2 4 2 2 2 5 4

What if we could represent it as:

5x2 2x4 5

The benefits are not apparent at the first glance, but that is one of many possibilites. I will also refactor some of the functions and their names - I would like them to be as descriptive as possible (and “strings” does not really speak for itself).

v0.2.0 will also bring some incompabilities - amongst which is forementioned abstracted read_data function. Additionally, one of the added command-line functions will bind statula.c/io.c and the rest together. I would like to avoid that, but it seems inevitable. I could either stay true to my intentions for the project (that is - portable library for statistics).

It is apparent that this will hold the project back in the long run. Some incompabilities were already introduced back when dataset structure was added. From v0.2.0 onwards we steer towards command-line tool.

Till the next post boys and girls. :)