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So I am officially a grown-up adult - I have turned 20 years old yesterday. It’s funny how fast time flies by.
Perhaps I should not worry - there is still some time. Or atleast that is what I am being told all the time.

I have recently started practicing for upcoming Google STEP interviews with people from TwitchLearnsProgramming(They rock btw!) and I am really enjoying it.
Really, I do - I mean, it was kind of stressful at first, but with every interview I am getting ever more confident in my skills.

Back to the original point - I am going into my second year at uni. And so, I’ve been told a few times that “there is still time” for me to learn. Take it easy cowboy, eh?
I mean, I see where all of this comes from - it’s not like majority of programmers start as early (or late - whichever way you chose to put it) as in their freshman year.
Still, I am a special flower nope, just kidding . I can’t really sit around and do nothing (well, I can and I do it to a great success nowadays, but that is not what I mean).
Our time is limited and so are the opportunities. Perhaps I will look back at this post one day and mumble “Oh gosh, was I a goof..”. I am fine with that.

When it comes to slightly more relevant things: today I have refactored a good chunk of code in TicTacToe. It’s available on GitHub - take a peek!
It was painful to go through, but that is what this project was for - making mistakes and first steps. It is still pretty easy to mantain, and that’s what I value the most.

So yep, reading books, trying to improve my CV and praccing for interviews. That’s what I do nowadays.
Fun? What’s that? Haven’t heard of that since few years. :P
And how do you spend your holidays? Tweet me!

Signing off,