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Summer: Wrap up

It’s the end of August. I guess I should briefly go over what I’ve done during my summer break (even though it will last for one more month).
First and foremost, I’ve finished 2 books during this 2-month span: “Design Patterns” by Gang of Four and “C.O.D.E” by Charles Petzold.
First one was kinda meh IMO. Not overall - I’ve progressed thanks to this book and it added few tools to my kit. I just can’t say that I had ‘a blast’ reading it. That’s to be expected out of reference tho. So no bad words for that, really.
“C.O.D.E” on the other hand.. It was great. Sure, it’s laid back, but it really helped me get a grasp of how computers work - even though I suck at physics and so I didn’t benefit from it as much as I could. It was definitely a good read though.
Currently I’m going over CLRS - RB trees are weird. That’s it.
When it comes to my projects - it turns out that I’ve introduced bigass bug in v0.1.9 of Statula. It seems to be fixed now, thankfully. TicTacToe has come a long way too. I still have something in store for you guys (hi mom), but I can’t really get a grasp of how it should be incorporated into my project. Small hint: Dynamic programming is what I’m looking at. :)
There is also GetOpt++. That’s my first C++ project and it’s relatively small. I will see what I can do with it in the future.

Saying that I worked my ass off throughout the holidays would be an overstatement. I pretended to do so.
I’m kind of confident going into my first ever round of interviews, though. Let’s hope for the best!

See ya,